Avenida Valbom nº 15 2750-508 Cascais, Portugal | (+351) 214 819 100 (national landline call)

A. A. Santo - Empreendimentos Industriais e Turísticos S,A, celebrates its 50th anniversary on September 27, 2023. Currently integrated in the Santo Group, A. Santo Imobiliária is dedicated to development and construction and is an unavoidable reference, having been the driving force behind the real estate dynamic in this business group.

In these 50 years of activity, the municipality of Cascais has been considerably marked with emblematic projects that will endure in time and the expectation is to continue to do more and better, combining the experience of these 5 decades with the current trends in construction and real estate development.

One Clinics

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One Clinics

Blue Villas

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Blue Villas

The Link in Cascais

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The Link in Cascais

A. Santo Mediation

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A. Santo Mediation